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                                       DISCLAIMER & CLICK CONTRACTS



There is a need to protect the software from damages and the damages caused by improper use of the software.


This can be achieved by a contract.


Sometimes it may be very impratical and virtually impossible to have a buyer of a software package sign paper based contract prior to the purchase.


Thus, there is a need to come up with a mechanism, whereby the purchaser agrees to the terms and conditions without actually signing on the dotted line.


This has been possible with a mechanism which is set at a "click of a button". Such type of contracts are called "Click Contracts" like "click wrap" , "shrink wrap" , "web wrap" , "browse wrap" etc.


The services that we provide are:

  • Drafting of "Click Contracts"


  • Notices


  • Disclaimers


  • General Advice on "Click Contracts"


  • Various legal issues pertaining to


          A) "Click Contracts"


          B) Notices


          C) Disclaimers




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